
empowering ordinary
Listening Ear provides support and assistance on debt & welfare advise, housing issues, mental health support, suicide prevention, drug and alcohol awareness.
Our services are all free and confidential and delivered by Volunteers.
Our personnel have completed a minimum of a level 2 OCN on empathetic listening.
We provide a call service either daily, weekly or monthly based on a frequency set by you.
A 24/7 emergency helpline is available for those needing to speak to one of our trained personnel.
Whatever is causing you to struggle in life please remember you are not alone, we are here for you.
Listening Ear,
Room 27 Dunanney Centre,
BT37 9DQ.
Tel: 02895085934
Email: listeningearnewtownabbey@outlook.com
Twitter: @ListeningEar9
Facebook: @listeningearnewtownabbey
Disabled access:
2 Disabled parking spaces
Low level access from carpark
Automatic main door
Lift to First Floor
Makaton trained personnel
Mobi changer and hoist
Disabled toilets with handrails and low level sink
Widened doorways for wheelchair access

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind"
William James
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